Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ants! Ants! Ants!

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: (Proverbs 6v6 KJV)

From last summer, (with a glorious ant-free winter respite!) we have been inundated with these pesky little critters.  And in having these new uninvited guests to our home, I have considered Proverbs 6v6.

They have invaded our territory with the greatest determination surely known to man.  I sweep them up like pepper from the tiles of our floors, I spray them with pesticide from my walls and my favorite - I make traps for them with Thai Curry Paste (which they loathe).  If you are fortunate enough to find their secretive entrances to your home, this works, but you need to block it up with the paste so not one little crack or hole exists or they will find their way in, believe me!
The strange things about these little ants is that they do not go for my sugar bowl!  No - these are more sophisticated in their taste.  They invade my kitchen sink with its crockery and cutlery waiting for the dishwasher and they experiment with every little morsel or crumb that may be there for them to discover.  They form perpetual lines to my kitchen counters, to the pets food and nothing can deter them as they march onwards.

It being the Christmas season, I baked four cakes for an order.  In advance, I prepared for these home invaders - that's what I thought, anyway.  The cakes came out superbly and everything in the kitchen was spotless - I stored the decorated cakes in the refrigerator and all was well.  Then I noticed that the icing on the cakes was not setting.  "Where to store them?  Where to store them - away from ants?"  Aha!  Into my cold oven they went, two on each shelf.  Safe and sound until morning when they would be delivered.
Arose early the next morning and immediately went to get the Christmas cakes to wrap for delivery.  What....?!!  Ants, yes those determined, hateful black little cretins had somehow, Lord knows how - found their way into the immaculately and professionally sealed oven and they were crawling happily over the icing, carrying great globs of the delightfully sweet white stuff away!!

I yelled for hubby.  Grabbed a brand new wide paintbrush and began to brush them off.  As quickly as I could brush them off, we wrapped them in cling-wrap and off they went to be sold.
But now I am left wondering - did any of these little blighters managed to tunnel their way into the fruity cakes?  Has an army of ants burrowed deep tunnels in those cakes?  When the customers cut them open, will they find ants nests?  Oh heaven forbid!!

To get my revenge, I made up an icing sugar paste and mixed it with Borax, shoved it in the oven and let the critters feast!  I hope they will fill their already swollen bellies with it or remove it to their skyscrapers hidden somewhere, Lord knows where - perhaps deep under the foundations of this house!
So my assumption of Proverb 6v6 is that ants are certainly NOT lazy, they are VERY DETERMINED, they seem to have BRAINS because they appear to be thinking and they can FIND anything they need from ANYWHERE you may try to hide it from them.  WISE they certainly are.  They are SECRETIVE, DARING, FORM NETWORKS, HAVE GREAT SCOUTS and a SOUND INTELLIGENCE and INTERCOM system, and seem to appear from nowhere.

Today I must take a leaf from my own book at Tips for Saving Money and Time !!  Be wise like the ants are and read it!!

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